Looks that undress

Gepubliceerd op 22 januari 2023 om 10:05

- The reason I want to sit down with you, Taco, is something that bothers me.

- Oh? Hopefully nothing serious.

- Serious, serious. The thing is, I'm stuck with it.

- Yeah, okay, lay it on the table then.

- Good, yes, fine. The thing is, I don't like the way you look at me very much.

- Oh? Serious? How so?

- Your look does something to me.

- Yes? I'm not aware of anything.

- Well, I do. You know very well how you look at me.

- No way, Renée. How do I watch then?

- Like now, you do it even now, as we speak.

- Huh, I just look at you the way people look at someone in a conversation.

- It's your eyes, you do it with your eyes.

- What then? What do I do then?

- Well, I'm just saying you're undressing me with your eyes. So, that’s it.

- Haha, sorry, but this really makes no sense. I don't look that way at all.

- Maybe you don't know it yourself, but you do.

- How did you come to that, I'm not like that at all, I don't undress women. Well, sometimes, no listen, it's not like I'm undressing you with my eyes.

- I see it anyway, I notice it anyway. I'm not crazy.

- But how… Gosh, Renée, I don't know how I…

- Up to my panties, huh, completely naked, you go on and on.

- With what?

- Undressing me with your look, my outerwear, my lingerie, my shoes, everything.

- Listen, this is just my normal way of looking, I don't have another look.

- So you're basically saying you can't help that you undress me with your eyes?

- I'm not aware of doing that. And if I do, I'm sorry.

- That's nice, but you're still doing it. You just look my bra away now. And you look at my naked tits.

- Phew, Renée, come on.

- What color nipples do I have? Be honest!

- Jeez, how do I know, pink?

- Pink yes, so you know that.

- And you have a shaved pussy!

- That's what I mean, Taco.

- And your ass, Renée, so nice and round. White bottoms, mmm.

- See, now you hear it from yourself. Pervert.

- You are lovely, Renée, really.

- Listen here, Taco, you can't look me out of my clothes day in and day out with impunity, that's indecent and rather sexist. Besides, your work requires so much concentration that you can't always have my naked body in your head.

- Renée, seriously, I never look your clothes off, I'm too decent for that, too well brought up. Maybe you're mixed me up with Philip, he has a hand in that, that sexism.

- What? Phillip too?

- I don't, Philip does. That…

- Sorry, Taco, it's a bit childish to draw the attention away from yourself.

- No, no, I won't, Philip…

- Shall we leave Philip out for a while? It's about you now. It would be nice if you apologized.

- For something I don't…

- Taco!

- All right, all right. Sorry, sorry, thrice sorry.

- No, you can't get off that easy. Look, I don't have that look, or I'd look at you as dirty as you do to me. No, you just get naked right now.

- I don’t think so.

- Oh, sure. Look, I lock the door and you strip down to your bare ass. Chop chop.

- Renée!

- Now we're even, Taco.

- But…

- Do it, or should I help you undressing.

- Close your eyes then.

- No.

- Well.

- Good, look, that's starting to look like it, neat, you're my man, yes, yes, there it comes, broad chest, come on, six pack, and, damn it, jeez, Taco , come here, hey, he's hot and naughty, what a naughty little one, isn't he, so naughty stiff, is that allowed, hmm, will aunt Renée give it a kiss, yes, and those tight buttocks, hmm, neat. Okay, get dressed again. Apology accepted. Don’t blush.

- That, uh, look of me…

- What about it?

- Can I, uh, keep it?

- Oh yes, as far as I'm concerned. We now know what to do, don't we?

- Yes.

- Well. Well, let's get back to work then. Is Philip walking there now? Philip, Philip, can I talk to you for a minute, something is bothering me.

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